Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records
Mat Homewood takes a light-hearted look at the history of sporting events in Sussex. Sport has been a key feature of Sussex life throughout the centuries, with cricket, football and horse racing being commonplace events, as well as the much-loved Sussex game of stoolball. However, local village sports days were also host to many lesser-known sporting activities. These included jingling matches, menagerie races, and piano bashing.
Mat will regale us with tales of all these events, and more, in an entertaining and informative talk, full of wonderful photographs.
Event Date | 08-06-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 08-06-2022 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Mathew Homewood |
Open to | Please specify |
Location | Brighton & Hove Meeting Centre |