Sussex Family History Group (SFHG) – Privacy Notice
The Sussex Family History Group ("We") are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
We collect and maintain personal information in order to administer the affairs of the Society.
This means:
- We have to tell you what personal data we collect.
- We have to tell you why we collect that data.
- We have to ensure we do not keep personal data for any longer than is necessary.
- We have to maintain the data to ensure it is accurate and fit for purpose.
- We have to ensure that data is accessible only by authorised persons.
- We have to tell you to whom we will disclose your personal data and why.
- You have a right to inspect the data that we hold about you.
- You can object to SFHG processing your personal data.
What Personal Data does SFHG collect?
- For all members of SFHG, we will collect your name, postal address and an email address if you have one. You also have the option to provide a telephone number.
- As a result of your membership of SFHG other personal data will be generated; this will include records of payments made by you to SFHG, correspondence and help requests.
Why does SFHG collect this data?
- We have to collect a minimum amount of information to maintain membership records and to enable us to send notices, for example, of the Annual General Meeting, to members. We also use the address or email to issue the SFHG’s journal – the Sussex Family Historian - and Newsletters.
- The Group will not use your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing or for any automated decision-making.
How long will SFHG keep personal data?
- We will retain your contact data for a maximum of 7 years after you cease to be a member. Any personal data no longer of legitimate use to SFHG will be deleted within 90 days of the end of the financial year.
How will SFHG ensure my personal data is accurate?
- SFHG and the individual both have responsibilities for ensuring that personal data is accurate and fit for purpose.
- If your personal data changes (for example you move or change email address) you should inform the Membership Secretary in writing or by email of the change.
- How will SFHG ensure that my personal data is secure?
- Personal information is held on encrypted SFHG computers by three officers. The appropriate levels of security are in place. The SFHG secure website server will also hold personal information which can be downloaded by authorised officers as required to perform their functions.
- If you pay your subscription over the internet, OPAYO is used so that credit/debit card details are encrypted. The SFHG does not see, nor can it access, the credit/debit card information.
- Australian members may make payments through an agent to reduce exchange costs for both parties. Other overseas members may pay directly on the website or there is the option of making payments using WISE. This is only done with the member’s explicit consent.
- Committee members who hold paper copies of members’ details are reminded to take the utmost care of the copies to ensure they are not lost. Paper copies will hold some or all of: name, address, telephone number, email address and membership number.
Will SFHG disclose personal data to anyone else?
SFHG will only disclose personal data:
- To members of SFHG who have a legitimate reason for holding it.
- Your name, address (postal or email as preferred) and membership number will be published in the Sussex Family Historian when you join and again if there are changes – you may advise SFHG of your preferences.
- If you supply your surname research interests, these will appear on the website, for others to see. Your postal address will not appear but you can choose to include your email address. If SFHG is contacted by interested parties when you have not published your contact details the query will be referred to you.
- Where we are obliged to do so by law or are directed to do so by the Courts.
How can I see the personal data SFHG holds about me?
- You should write to the Secretary (address below) asking for a copy of the personal data SFHG holds about you. You should state clearly if you wish to see a record of payments.
Can I object to my personal data being processed?
- Yes, you can object to personal data being processed.
- If you object you should do so in writing to the Secretary stating your reasons and we have 21 days to respond.
- Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.
Changes to our privacy policy
- Any changes we may make to our privacy notice in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email. The SFHG’s full Data Protection Policy can be read here or we can supply a hard copy on request. The document is also available at the Sussex Family History Group Research Room at The Keep.
Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to the SFHG Secretary, 10 Fairford Close, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3EF or at
April 2024