Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records
The SFHG Email Forum, also known as the Mailing List, is hosted on a website called Groups.io and is only available to SFHG members. Anyone may see posts in the archives where email addresses are visible.
Members can send messages (emails) which are then forwarded to all members who subscribe. Any member can reply, either back to the list or directly to the member who posted the message, but there is no obligation to do so.
To join the list please complete the form below. If you want to change the email address used you can do that yourself in your profile on Groups.io
After a check that you are a paid-up SFHG member, you will be invited to join the SFHG Mailing List. Once you have accepted you will receive an email with information of how to send your own messages to the list and how to unsubscribe. Subscription requests will normally be processed within 48 hours.
Guidance on list 'netiquette' can be found below.
You may find it useful when you first join to just read the messages until you get used to the idea. But please remember that this is the SFHG Mailing list and therefore messages should relate to Sussex and to genealogy or family history.