Certificates cost from £11.00 (birth, adoption, marriage, civil partnership or death) including postage. If you are in a hurry? They offer a priority service from £35.00
Note that some commercial sites charge MUCH more. Please view the Government fees on their website using the button link.
The full GRO reference can be obtained from copies of the GRO indexes which are held by many libraries and record offices, or possibly from FreeBMD and some other sites.
If you do not have the GRO index reference you may still apply online for any event which took place on or after 1st July 1837 to 6 months from the current date (for marriages this period is extended to 18 months). A 3 year search for the index reference will be carried out. You must supply the exact date of event if you have it. If you don't have the exact date enter 01/01/YEAR and we will search the specified year and one year either side.