Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records
A social evening for members. Format yet to be decided.
Event Date | 15-08-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 15-08-2022 9:30 pm |
Open to | Please specify |
Event Date | 19-09-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 19-09-2022 |
Open to | Please specify |
All you want to know about a Village Labourer.
Event Date | 19-09-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 19-09-2022 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Jayne Shrimpton |
Open to | Please specify |
Christopher Whittick, formerly of the Keep and now an archives consultant, will take us through the history, sources and uses of manorial records. He is one of the decreasing group of people who can still read the documents
Event Date | 17-10-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 17-10-2022 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Christopher Whittick |
Open to | Please specify |
Ian Everest, a well known local speaker, will talk to us about the creation and work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. As usual, he will look at some local casualties of WW1 in illustrating his talk.
Event Date | 21-11-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 21-11-2022 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Ian Everest |
Open to | Please specify |
Christmas Social Event. Expect a fun evening with surprise and good refreshments.
Event Date | 19-12-2022 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 19-12-2022 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Members |
Open to | Members only |
Event Date | 16-01-2023 7:30 am |
Event End Date | 16-01-2023 9:30 pm |
Speaker | John Kay |
Open to | Non Members |
Share with members a special event or story - humorous or serious -about your ancestors in which you may have come across unexpectedly or did a lot of research to bring down a brick wall.
Most of us have a family heirloom at home, why not bring one along and share with us the reason it is so special to you.
Event Date | 20-02-2023 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 20-02-2023 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Members |
Open to | Non Members |
Ian has been researching his DNA for some time and is very knowable about the subject.
Event Date | 20-03-2023 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 20-03-2023 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Ian Loughborough |
Open to | Non Members |
Members will look at International Research and there will be presentations on Australian, Indian and Irish records and web-sites.
Refreshments will be available on arrival.
Event Date | 17-04-2023 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 17-04-2023 9:30 pm |
Speaker | Members |
Open to | Non Members |