Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records
Baptisms and Marriages 1656 - 1901 (except marriages 1754-1835) and Burials 1656-1923.
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1584-1900 and Banns 1755-1901 with gaps.
Baptism BTs 1592-1723, PRs1723-1903, Banns 1779-1862, Marriage BTs 1593-1721 PRs 1723-1901 & Burial BTs 1593-1721 PRs 1723-1936.
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1558-1886, Banns 1653-1875 with gaps.
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1639-1901, Banns 1654-1656, 1824-1835, 1867-1908.
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1540-1900, Banns 1763-1902 with some gaps.
Baptisms 1557-1968, Banns 1754-1788, Marriages 1557-1988 and Burials 1557-1965.
Baptisms and Burials 1585 -1901. Marriages 1585-1650, 1670-1901. Banns 1755-1827.
Baptisms at the Brighton Parish Church of St Nicholas of Myra 1813-1837 and 1842-1847.