Sussex Poor 1661-1800
Full details of 8000 Quarter Session cases involving 20,000 people (criminals and victims, apprentices, bastardy, lunatics, settlement, workhouses, gaols, soldiers) from all nine Sussex venues.
Edited abstracts from the Quarter Session records of the ancient county of Sussex covering all aspects of the operation of the Old Poor Laws and associated legislation during the period 1661-1800 that concerned private and parish apprentices, bastardy, beggars, lunatics, marriages, the poor, settlements, removals, rogues, vagabonds and any other case that had a bearing on the poor in general with the exception of debtors and bankrupts; it also includes payments made to wounded or maimed soldiers and sailors in the seventeenth century and payments to the families of serving militia men at the end of the eighteenth century, and licences to erect cottages on manorial waste licenced by the lords of various manors. Also included are many editorial additions to enhance its use as a research tool and guide.
Transcribed and indexed by Michael Burchall FSG. Fully searchable. .pdf reader required. Published by Parish Register Transcription Society.
Also available on the “Sussex Poor 1661-1850” Compilation.