Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records
Baptisms 1627-1752 1805-1902, Marriages 1627-1749 and Burials 1626-1640 1677/8 1683/6 1699-1752 1805-1908.
Index and Transcription of all known marriages in Sussex between 1538-1837. Over 300,000 marriages, licences and some banns. Requires Microsoft Windows.
Baptisms 1562-1901, Banns 1653-4, 1762-99, Marriages 1562-1640, 1663, 1673-1722, 1740-1902, Burials 1563-1645, 1655-1902.
Baptisms 1571-1884, Banns 1580-153, 1874-1904, Marriages 1571-1901 and Burials 1571-1904 with some gaps.
Baptisms 1558-1900, Marriages 1560-1900 and Burials 1575 -1899.
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1653-1900, Banns 1653-1897 with gaps.
Baptisms, Marriages(from 1584) and Burials 1571-1900, Banns 1755-1891.
East Preston Baptisms & Burials 1573-1901, Marriages 1575-1753 1764-1901. Kingston Gorse Baptisms 1570-1671, Marriages 1571-1658 & Burials 1570-1672.
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1653-1901, Banns 1756-1857. Including shipwreck of HMS Eurydice 1878.
Baptisms 1563-1934, Marriages and Burials 1565-1901, Banns 1801-1906.
Baptisms 1572-1899, Banns 1754-1901, Marriages 1579-1893 and Burials 1576-1906 with some gaps.