Reference & General Interest
Sussex Church Court Deponents 1556-1694
Ecclesiastical Church Courts cover many aspects of city, town and village life in Sussex during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Sussex Convicts Transported to Australia 1789-1867
Extracted from National Archives original records and referenced to many subsequent secondary sources. The Introduction gives the history of transportation back to 1248.
Sussex Criminals & Victims 1767-1799
Extracted from records of Quarter Sessions at Chichester, Horsham, Lewes and Petworth. Listing the Charge, Offenders, Victims, Jurors and the Verdict with the Punishment. Nearly 15,000 persons are named.
Sussex Criminals & Victims 1800-1825
Extracted from records of Quarter Sessions at Chichester, Horsham, Lewes and Petworth. Listing the Charge, Offenders, Victims, Jurors and the Verdict with the Punishment. Over 30,000 persons are named.
Sussex Criminals & Victims 1826-1850
Extracted from records of Quarter Sessions at Chichester, Horsham, Lewes and Petworth. Listing the Charge, Offenders, Victims, Jurors and the Verdict with the Punishment.
Sussex Criminals & Victims 1767-1851
All 3 "Sussex Criminals & Victims" 1767-1799, 1800-1825 & 1826-1850 at a lower price. Detailed abstracts from Quarter Sessions at Chichester, Horsham, Lewes & Petworth listing the Charge, Offenders, Victims, Jurors, Verdict and Punishment.
Sussex Family Historian 1973 - 2023
You can search and browse images of all 200 editions of 50 Years of SFHG's quarterly journal the "Sussex Family Historian" Volumes 1-25 (1973-2023). Search 9,493 pages including 77,651 names in 6610 articles. There may be articles and details about names, families or places you are researching.
This item is only available on a USB Memory Stick as there is too much data to fit on a CD or for a practical download.
For use with MS Windows – it is not suitable for Apple Computers.
Sussex Genealogist and Local Historian 1979-1986
Facsimiles of over 1600 pages of the 27 editions of The Sussex Genealogist and Local Historian, 10 Occasional Papers, & 1986 Family History Annual.
Sussex History 1870 by Mark Anthony Lower
History of Sussex 1870 by Mark Anthony Lower, A Facsimile Reproduction of the Original Books.
Sussex Lay Subsidy 1552
Men (and a few women) are listed with their Assessment and Payment which is totalled for each Parish. This tax replaced the earlier relief in Edward VI's reign and was the fourth payment in 1552 of the original tax of 1549.
Sussex Marriage Index
Index and Transcription of all known marriages in Sussex between 1538-1837. Over 300,000 marriages, licences and some banns. Requires Microsoft Windows.
Sussex Parish Map
Gazetteer and map with grid references of 480 Sussex parishes on A3 card folded to A5, with the date that each parish register began.
Sussex Poor 1661-1800
Full details of 8000 Quarter Session cases involving 20,000 people (criminals and victims, apprentices, bastardy, lunatics, settlement, workhouses, gaols, soldiers) from all nine Sussex venues.
Sussex Poor 1801-1850
Details of all the poor law cases dealt with by justices at Quarter Sessions covering the whole county of Sussex for the period 1801-1850.
Sussex Poor 1661-1850
Compilation of both "Sussex Poor 1661-1800" and "Sussex Poor 1801-1850" transcriptions at a lower price.
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